Construction coordination meeting set for City of Hudson project
Work to include resurfacing 11th Street, completing utility, curb, and gutter work
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) and City of Hudson are holding a virtual construction coordination meeting at 11 a.m. Monday, March 24 to share details about a proposed resurfacing project on 11th Street from Coulee Road to Wisconsin Street.
The public can join by:
- Computer: https://tinyurl.com/56hut7we
- Phone: (608) 620-8609
- Conference ID: 344 842 864#
The pavement on this segment of 11th Street is showing signs of deterioration. To address that, the scheduled work includes:
- Pulverizing and relaying the existing pavement structure and placing a thin layer of asphalt over it
- The driving lane widths will be narrowed to 11 feet in each direction to accommodate the multi-use path and terrace on west side.
- Pouring new curb and gutter along the west side and installing an asphalt multi-use path
- Installing Americans With Disabilities Act-compliant sidewalk curb ramps at all crossings within the project limits
- Updating the storm sewer system to accommodate the new roadway layout
- Installing new water main and laterals from Summer Street to Laurel Avenue
During construction, 11th Street will be closed to through traffic, but access will be maintained to homes and businesses in the work zone and for emergency responders.
Work is scheduled to start the week of March 31; however, crews will begin clearing trees and mobilizing for construction the week of March 24. Construction is scheduled for completion in September.
For more information regarding traffic impacts, transportation news, and improvement project updates in Wisconsin’s Northwest Region:
- Follow the DOT on Twitter: @WisDOTnorthwest
- Visit the region’s 511 website: projects.511wi.gov/region/northwest/
- Visit the project’s construction website: projects.511wi.gov/nwr5/
Motorists are reminded that using handheld cell phones in Wisconsin work zones is illegal. Alerts and updates provided via these sites are not intended for use while driving. When driving, your focus should always be on driving.