If you heart nature, you’ll heart Hudson. As a Tree City, Bird City, and home to 11+ city, county, and state parks – Hudson will keep you exploring the great outdoors for quite some time! Come visit and play outside.

Wild and Scenic
Did you know the St. Croix River is a National Wild and Scenic Rivers System? Less than 1/4 of 1% of rivers are protected as National Wild & Scenic Rivers and can be considered some of the most beautiful, valuable and unspoiled environments left in the U.S.

Tree City
The City of Hudson is an official Tree City and has received the Honor of Tree City USA each year since 2010. Tree City USA is a national program that provides communities around the country with a framework for managing their tree resources.

Bird City
Hudson is also a "Bird City Wisconsin," which means we enhance the environment for birds and educate the public about the interactions between birds and people. Visit and see a wide variety of birds, including bald eagles, warblers, pelicans, and trumpeter swans.

Whether you paddle, sail, or cruise, Hudson is for you. St. Croix River Cruises offers tours throughout the season and Homestead Parklands on Perch Lake provides canoe, kayak, SUP, and paddleboat rentals!

The Hudson Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau can offer information to visitors and new residents. Planning an adventure, researching an event, or even producing a movie? We can get you what you need. Email us at info@hudsonwi.org.
Find a Place to Stay in Hudson
Check out some fantastic places to stay when you come to visit Hudson!