Our Goal
We have a big opportunity to help advance education and workforce development this year, and we’d love your help.
Together, our ongoing efforts to develop partnerships between businesses, K-12 and post-secondary education institutions, government, and community organizations will provide an opportunity to attract, develop and retain a thriving workforce.
This year the goal of the Hudson Chamber Foundation is to raise $15,000 for the Career and Technical Education departments at Hudson High School.
- New kitchen equipment for culinary arts
- STEM and computer science kits
- Training and credentialing programming for employable skills
About the Foundation
The Hudson Chamber Foundation is the philanthropic branch of the Chamber of Commerce with a focus on advancing education and workforce development initiatives within the Hudson and surrounding area.
Give a Gift Online
Give Online or Via Check
This organization is a 501(c)3 and your donation is tax deductible. If you prefer to donate via check, please make the check out to the Hudson Chamber Foundation and mail your gift to:
Hudson Chamber Foundation
219 Second Street
Hudson, WI 54016
Gifts made online will give you the option to pay the processing fee if you would like the Foundation to receive your full gift.